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Authentic Models Sopwith Propel, Lille

Authentic Models Sopwith Propel, Lille

Du kan ikke se mekanikeren fra dit åbne cockpit. Du råber..."Kontakt" og propellen springer til live, flyet begynder at gyse. Mekanikeren trækker hjulblokkene væk og flygter. Støjen er utrolig, en ...

Potez 230 French Fighter

Potez 230 French Fighter

Photos of the Potez 230 a French lightweight fighter project that first flew in March 1940. Only one prototype flew before the fall of France

1934 Hispano-Suiza J12

1934 Hispano-Suiza J12

1934 Hispano-Suiza J12 As competition to the best that Bugatti, Alfa Romeo, Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Isotta-Fraschini could offer, the J12 in many respects was the superior design. The centerpiece ...

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