Pick of the Day: 1947 Hudson Big Boy pickup, a Roadster Show champion

The Pck of the Day is a unique custom 1947 Hudson Big Boy pickup that has been sympathetically updated to let its sleek factory styling shine through
The Pck of the Day is a unique custom 1947 Hudson Big Boy pickup that has been sympathetically updated to let its sleek factory styling shine through
Details and Pictures for the Game Hannover 96 : 1. FC Kaiserslautern @ Heinz-von-Heiden-Arena - Hannover, Germany
●空冷2スト・ピストンリードバルブ単気筒●49㏄●2.5PS/5000rpm●0.38㎏-m/4500rpm●42㎏●2.50-8・2.50-8●8万円 諸元は●エンジン型式●総排気量●最高出力●最大トルク●車両重量●タイヤサイズ(前・後)●発売当時価格
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