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Cedar Eagle Feather

Cedar Eagle Feather

Coast Salish Cedar Eagle Feather art designed by artist Raven Wolden. This Cedar Eagle Feather is a piece of artwork inspired by the rich cultural heritage of the Coast Salish people. This captivating piece beautifully represents the deep spiritual significance of the eagle. As a symbol of strength, power, and protection, the eagle serves as a spiritual messenger connecting the human and spirit world, making this artwork a striking reminder of the Coast Salish traditions and the beauty of nature. Size: 15 x 3.5 x 1/4″ Coast Salish wood art by Raven Wolden is a unique form of Indigenous art. These works of art capture the history and culture of the Coast Salish people, as well as the beauty of BC Cedar. With its unique design and craftsmanship, this type of wall art is sure to be treasured for many years to come. Custom sizes are available upon request. Raven Wolden of Corvina Design is an artist, graphic designer, and an Indigenous entrepreneur from Sts’ailes First Nation, located in S’ólh Téméxw, the Stó:lō Traditional Territory in BC.


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