Monday I had a long day at work, got a lot of stuff done, especially in the morning. In the evening I wanted to spend some time getting the house tidied up a little bit. We have a cleaning lady come every two weeks and it never fails that by the time she’s ready for a visit the place is ready for her! Tonight I wanted to take a macro picture of the zipper of my old brown leather jacket that I’ve had for I don’t know how long. So I started playing around with it and decided to try my hand at depth of field stacking. So I took this photo five different times, with the focus on different areas of the picture. I think it worked okay, but in reality I probably should have taken about 5 more photos and done the focusing manually (I just shifted the autofocus points on my 50D). Eventually I’m bound to get desperate in this project, and when that happens I’ll go out and buy a flower and take some macro photos to practice this technique some more.
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